The Treasurer's Office is committed to providing the highest level of fiscal integrity in management and reporting to our students, parents, partners and the community. The Treasurer is the chief fiscal officer of the school district and is responsible for the financial affairs of the district. The Treasurer reports directly to the board of education. Major functions of the Treasurer's Office include: Annual Budget Reporting, Financial Forecasting, Grants Management, Payroll, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budgets/Appropriations, Fixed Assets Inventory, Insurance, Employee Benefits, Public Records, and Student Activities. Contact us at 440-988-8846 for information or assistance!
Recent News
Staff Wellness Program
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Annuity Information
Click on the link below to review a complete listing of your available 403(b)/457(b) providers, including information about their available investment types, agent contact information, and online enrollment. In addition, you will find a Salary Reduction Agreement to start, stop, or change your deduction, as well as forms to request a transaction.
- U.S. OMNI Third Party Annuity Administrator Website
- Third Party Annuity Administrator Announcement (U.S. OMNI)
- OMNI New Hire Information Packet
- 403(b) Notice
- Salary Reduction Agreement Form
U.S. OMNI Third Party Annuity Administrator Website
Third Party Annuity Administrator Announcement (U.S. OMNI)
OMNI New Hire Information Packet
403(b) Notice
Salary Reduction Agreement Form
Financial Information, Forms, and Documents
- Five Year Forecast
- General Forms
- Insurance Information
- Inventory
- Payroll Forms
- Public Records Request and Records Retention
- State Retirement System
- Student Activities
Five Year Forecast
General Forms
Insurance Information
Payroll Forms
Public Records Request and Records Retention
State Retirement System
Student Activities
Public Records Request
Please complete the following form to make an official public records request and review the Amherst Board of Education Public Records Policy 8310: