Military Family Support
Month of the Military Child Breakfast
Military Family Resources
USO Ohio takes care of our Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserves and their families in Ohio. USO Ohio provides support for all service members and their families in the service area. These include supporting unit events, offering Tickets for the Troops to sporting and entertainment events, USO Care Package Program, the Bob Hope Legacy Reading Program, Operation Bundles of Love, and much more!
Military OneSource - Wouldn’t it be great if children came with instructions? As a military parent, you have the next best thing to parenting instructions – a wealth of parenting resources, benefits and programs. Military OneSource is by your side through the journey of parenthood – through the early years and tricky teen years. Whether it’s finding quality child care, learning about adoption, helping your kids excel in school or connecting to resources, Military OneSource is here for you. Military OneSource also offers free Individual and Family Non-Medical Counseling, free Financial Counseling, free Health ad Wellness Coaching, free Tax Services and more!
Educator License Fees Waived for Veterans and Those in the Military - The Ohio Department of Education is eliminating fees for educator licenses to recognize the contributions of military families. Beginning Jan. 2, 2015, the fees for any initial Ohio educator license, permit or certificate – or for a renewal – will be waived for candidates who are veterans or current service members of all branches of the United States Armed Forces, including the National Guard or Reserves. Spouses of active duty services members also may receive a license free of charge. Learn More
Ohio National Guard’s Family Readiness Program - This program provides information and tools for Ohio families, including educational resources, youth camps and recreational opportunities.
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) - The Military Child Education Coalition’s work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation and transition. | Voice for the Military Child: a newsletter for friends of the MCEC
Health Care Licensing for Military Members and Spouses - If you or your spouse is a current or retired member of the armed forces of the United States, or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, including the Ohio national guard, the following information is provided to help you in obtaining licensure or certification by the Ohio Board of Nursing.
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission - Ohio is one of 35 states involved in the Interstate Compact for Educational Opportunities for Military Children, which is working to ensure that military children are properly enrolled in schools, have eligibility for school activities and have assistance in meeting graduation requirements. Learn about the compact on this website. For additional information, contact ODE staff member, Pete LuPiba, Ohio MIC3 Commissioner, at or call (614)949-8584.
Military Tutor Help - Eligible military families get free access to through the DoD online tutoring program. This is a valuable benefit for deployed service members who want to provide academic and career help to their children and spouses while they are away.
Additional Resources
Here are some additional resources that may be useful:
Financial Resources and Discounts for Military Families
Tips for Designing a Home for People with PTSD
Tips for Veterans Writing Military to Civilian Resumes
Tips for Moving into Military Housing
Financial Assistance for Homeless Vets
Veterans Homebuying Guide
Mesothelioma Information
How to Become A Military Social Worker
National Debt Relief - Financial Aid for Veterans
District Contact
Michael Molnar
School Liaison
Amanda Sears
For More Information
Ohio Department of Higher Education
Jared Shank
Local News
Congratulations to Amherst parent Elizabeth Fought for being selected as the 2018 Armed Forces Insurance Ohio National Guard Military Spouse of the Year! Elizabeth was nominated because of the immense support she gives to Ohio National Guard Military Families through her volunteer work as secretary of the Family Readiness Group (FRG) for Company A, 1st Battalion, 145th Armored Regiment, based in Newton Falls, Ohio. Elizabeth has contributed countless hours and helped coordinate several key events that helped strengthen Company A's Family Readiness Group. She's a caring parent and a fantastic supporter of the Amherst Schools!
Read more about Elizabeth's honor at the Ohio National Guard website!